
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunning Sheep

The bighorn sheep sometimes come off Miller Butte on the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole to look for food. About 50 sheep inhabit this area. They range from the large rams to females with young to this young ram. Once summer arrives, these creatures will be back to the high ledges and very difficult to spot.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bison Butting

Both male and female bison settle their differences with the use of their massive heads and horns. The skirmishes often are over within a few seconds and usually do not result in serious injury.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gone Fishing

A Great Blue Heron slowly but deliberately moves through the shallow water at the edge of the Snake River, searching for small fish or water bugs.

Surprise Storm

A hummingbird shivers on an aspen branch after being caught in a late spring snow storm just outside the northern boundary in Grand Teton National Park

Young Pair

A pair of mule deer venture out in early morning following a spring snow shower the previous night in Grand Teton National Park. Spring comes late in the high country. It is not unusual to see rain and snow through the month of June.

Look Both Ways

Just after dawn in Grand Teton National Park, a herd of elk watches for traffic before it crosses from feeding in the open flats at night and moving to the security of trees along the Snake River. The elk herd in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem numbers 100,000, the largest in the world. Yet, these creatures are difficult to spot during the day. Sightings like this one are most common at dawn and dusk.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Moulton Barn

In the 1890s several Mormon families moved to Jackson Hole from Utah to escape drought. They settled in an area now called "Mormon Row." All but one family left, selling property to Grand Teton National Park or to John Rockefeller, who donated land to the park. Several historic barns and other buildings remain.


Hummingbirds pass through Jackson Hole spring and early summer on their journey north.

Prong Horn

The Prong Horn antelope roams the sagebrush flats in Grand Teton National Park and is one of the fastest land animals, capable of sprinting almost 60 miles per hour.

Bird Brain

Flocks of birds follow bison in Grand Teton National Park, looking for bug snacks, which the bison are happy to give up to their feathered friends.

White Wolf

Canadian Gray Wolf photographed in captivity at the Grizzly Bear Discovery Center in West Yellowstone, Montana. Reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995, the animals now number approximately 1,500 in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.

Move Out

A foggy dawn in Grand Teton National Park finds elk moving from open grazing areas to the cool security of the trees as daylight approaches.


During the past 20-plus years, the Trumpeter Swan population in the Rocky Mountain flyway has steadily grown back from numbers so low they nearly were considered for federal listing as an endangered species. Thanks to the efforts of a number of private organizations, the population is healthier. Young cygnets have dark head and neck feathers until they reach adulthood.

Cold Ducks

Winter in Jackson Hole, Wyo. can be an inhospitable place for water fowl. But these mallards on Flat Creek will remain as long as some water remains in liquid state.

Nose to Nose

When born in spring, bison calves' fur is more red than brown. They are frequently referred to as "red dogs."


Only weeks old, this pair of Great Horned owls were born in this cottonwood tree, where the parents had  raised other young in previous years, in Grand Teton National Park.

The Rut

A bull elk bugles as he watches over his harem of cows during the fall mating season in Grand Teton National Park.

Oxbow Sunset

Sunset at Oxbow Bend on the Snake River, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

Elk Refuge

Shot late fall from Snow King Mountain, looking north over the National Elk Refuge, Jackson Hole, Wy.

Bear 399

The famous mother of three cubs seen often several years ago along the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park.

Battling Bulls

Bull elk compete for females during the the fall rut at Mammoth, Yellowstone National Park.

That's Hilarious

Grizzly cubs at play along the Snake River, Grand Teton National Park.

Stay Close

While I was shooting waterfowl at dawn at the edge of Grand Teton National Park, this cow moose and calf emerged from trees on the water's edge and crossed.

Dinner Time

Although capable of eating non regurgitated food, these kits nevertheless continued to expect to be fed by mom.

Too Close

This guy got too close to a somewhat tolerant grizzly sow and three cubs in Grand Teton National Park. She decided not to charge.

Lunch Anyone?

Several years ago, this mother decided to dig a den in a bank just over the edge of one of the most busy streets in Jackson, Wy., instantly becoming a wildlife celebrity. Here, she is hunting ground squirrels to feed her kits.

Sitting Bear

This was one of six to eight black bears feeding on hawthorn berries last fall along the Moose-Wilson Road in Jackson Hole These guys show up every year, as do hundreds of photographers.